Yandere Girls Wikia

"So if you're expecting some kind of sob story from me about my past, sorry to disappoint you."

Sho Reilen
Tvtorpessa 905
Age 16
Weapon Psychic Powers


Series Crimson Rafflesia

Sho Reilen is a character from Crimson Rafflesia.



Shou has long white-silver hair with fluffy forelocks and bangs framing her face and a single, curled cowlick. She has crimson eyes and a fair complexion.

Her attire resembles a uniform, composed of a white buttoned T-shirt with a black jacket worn around her shoulders, a red pleat skirt, black tights, and a long red tie.


At first glance Sho appears to be normal who comes from a normal household. However, she takes a joy in killing others through sadistic means and often makes dark jokes with an uncaring attitude. She is also known for being a compulsive liar and comes off ultimately as a childish jerk. She claims to enjoy the violence she commits, but it is unknown why she is this way, with the implication that something happened in the past despite claiming otherwise.



Heath - One moment she appears just in time to save him, but then she reconsiders and kills him.

Mikaela Lane - Killed a year prior to the game.


Kaison - It is unknown if its romantic, but she has an obsession with him.

Erik - Her employer who often questions her behavior.

Chloe and Flora Lane - Two girls who knew Heath and Sho from the past.



